Monday 14 April 2014

Button Mushrooms Supply

Part Time Business in selling Button Mushrooms for House Wife's and students

Hi freinds,
I am started supplying White Button Mushrooms in bulk if any one is interested in marketing Button Mushrooms at your area as part time business i am going to support them.If any one interested feel free to call me.My price of button mushrooms will be 140 Rs per kg where in you can sell it to 180 rs to 200 rs per kg.
I will be helping in how to market button mushrooms.if anyone interested let me know.
Thank You

Saturday 15 June 2013


Rainy season started hurrayyyyy.....its time to start cultivating OYSTER MUSHROOMS.

In this post i am going to explain about cultivation of OYSTER MUSHROOMS...



Cultivation Technology: 

Cultivation Technology 3-5 cm bits Soaked 6 hrs Boiled 30 min Sac or hessian cloth dipped in KMnO4 or Carbendazim 1g/l 1 Kg to 4-5 Kg of straw Polybag size of 60 x 30cm with two holes Bottom tied to ensure flat surface Spawn half into 4 parts I layer 5 cm straw & spawn II layer 10 cm straw & spawn III & IV layer similar to II V layer 5 cm straw only Tied, jerked to form cylindrical shape Kept in Spawn running room (mushroom shed) Completed in 10 to 20 days (as per the variety used)

Mushroom shed: 

Mushroom shed Mushroom shed should be preferably thatched. It should have a door. The thatched portions can be covered with chicken mesh to prevent entry of snakes, rats and squirrels. The floor of the shed may be filled with sand to a height of 15 cm and watered.


Cont… Racks are to be erected inside the mushroom house to accommodate the mushroom beds. The inner side of the mushroom shed can be lined with gunny bags and watered twice daily to keep the room cool. The shed may be laid in east west to avoid direct effect of sun and to reduce the temperature inside the cropping room.

Spawn running room: 

Spawn running room Spawn running room is one where the beds are kept for spawn running. This room needs ventilation but does not require light. Temperature in the room should be between 24 to 28oC.

Cropping room: 

Cropping room Cropping room is one where the opened mushroom beds are kept after completion of spawn running. The temperature should be between 23 to 25oC. Most of the growers use the same room for spawn running and cropping. The polythene bag is opened by cutting with a sterile blade on 16th day of spawning for white oyster mushroom (opening dates differ as per variety).


Cont… The moisture level of the beds are observed and watered accordingly. The mushroom beds with excess moisture will lead to contamination. Pin heads appear on third or fourth day of opening of the beds and fully grown mushroom appear within three to four days appearance of pin heads.

Cont… : 

Cont… The mushroom should be harvested early morning before watering the bed. After the first harvest is completed the beds are scrapped one to two cm deep from the entire surface of the bed. The second crop appears within another week. Three to four crops of mushroom can be had in this way from a single bed.

Cont… : 

Cont… The entire cropping will be over in about 35-40 days for white oyster mushroom (days differ as per variety). The harvested mushroom can be stored for one to three days under refrigeration. The shelf life is about 12-16 hours at room temperature (differs as per variety).

Cultivation of APK1 Pleurotus eous: 

Cultivation of APK1 Pleurotus eous Except for the number of holes in the polythene bags (8-9) the other cultivation aspects are similar to Pleurotus sp. It takes 8-10 days for spawn run and the entire cropping will be over in about 30 days. The mushroom is initially dark pink and takes pink shade during maturity. Due to the high fibre content, its keeping quality is increased and can be stored for 3 days.

Life cycle of Pleurotus spp.: 

Life cycle of Pleurotus spp. Has been shown in fig.1. On maturity, mushroom produces a number of spores which are released at intervals. The spores are dispersed by wind and germinate on a suitable medium to produce a primary mycelium. The cells of homokaryotic mycelium have only one type of nucleus, all being genetically identical.


Cont… Mating between two compatible homokaryotic mycelia through hyphal fusion i.e., plasmogamy results in the formation of a heterokaryon and hence a fertile mycelium is obtained. The nuclear division and septum formation in this mycelium occurs through clamp connections. Under appropriate environmental conditions the fertile mycelium produces fruit body.

Cont… : 

Cont… The spore bearing tissues of the fruit body produces columnar layer of club shaped binucleate cells called basidia. The paired nuclei in the basidia fuse (Karyogamy ) to form the diploid nucleus. Immediately meiosis occur and four haploid nuclei are formed which move to the basidiospore through stalk like structure called sterigmata. The basidiospores, so formed are discharged and again germination is initiated.

Precautions to be followed during mushroom spawn preparation: 

Precautions to be followed during mushroom spawn preparation The sorghum should not be over cooked. The spawn bottles should be sterilized and plugged properly. The culture room should be properly sterilized and fumigated with Potassium permanganate if necessary. Transfer of inoculum should be done over the Bunsen flame.

Precautions to be followed during mushroom cultivation: 

Precautions to be followed during mushroom cultivation 1. The surroundings of the mushroom house should be kept clean. 2. The spent straw beds should not be heaped near the mushroom shed. 3. The compost pits should not be near the mushroom shed. 4. Fresh straw and clean water should be used. 5. Disinfect the growing room and use sterilized materials (tray, tools, sac etc).


Cont… 6. The beds should not be over moistened which will lead to contamination. 7. The contaminated beds should be immediately disposed and buried since it will contaminate the other beds. 8. The temperature and Relative Humidity (RH) inside the mushroom shed should be maintained by frequent watering.

If u really interested to earn huge income feel free to contact me DEV(8977090494)

Sunday 24 February 2013

Milky Mushrooms Cultivation Slideshow Slideshow

Milky Mushrooms Cultivation Slideshow Slideshow: ★ Milky Mushrooms Cultivation Slideshow Slideshow ★ to Hyderabad.

Know Your Healthy Mushrooms...

vitamins and nutrients chart in different vegetables

By the above chart we can find that most of the vitamins present in mushrooms.So friends for an healthy life go for healthy providing mushrooms.If any one is need of mushrooms just feel free to contact me(8977090494, 9010770859)

Information about OYSTER MUSHROOMS

Pleurotus ostreatus, the oyster mushroom, is a common edible mushroom. It was first cultivated in Germany as a subsistence measure during world war and is now grown commercially around the world for food.Oyster mushrooms can also be used industrially for mycoremediation purposes. The oyster mushroom may be considered a medicinal mushroom, since it contains statins such as lovastatin which work to reduce cholesterol.